Senior Software Engineer/Training and Development/University Instructional Designer and Instructor

Copyright Robin James Mayes. All rights reserved.


Robin James Mayes   Ph.D.


Dr.  Mayes,

Just wanted to say that your course's discussion boards are the best that I have encountered during my educational endeavors.  Granted that DB's are something that takes time but it is not a nagging thing to do as a student.  Not sure if it is the fact that there are a ton of students in the class so there are always postings available but my previous courses have only had a handful of postings early in the week and were difficult to interact as required.  I really enjoy that within each posting, you ask and interact yourself with additional questions, like a tree branching out that continues the discussions down different paths.   Anyways, kudos to you for making the course enjoyable.

Dr.  Mayes,

I have learned a lot of new information in your class, it is hard to point to something particular because the majority of chapters provide information I wasn't familiar with before this class. I love the discussion's model - with your very active participation - it was a really good "training method"! Because we had a chance to interact not only with other students but with you as well. I like the assignment for Career Development, I was able to "try on" the trainer career for myself. I think this is a very interesting field to be involved at professionally, I hope I will have a chance to develop my career in this field. I saved all your PowerPoint slides on my computer for Future references - I have the textbook, but I like your PP because it gives the most important information of the chapter. I also think that APA introduction was a good idea, it was new for me.  Thank you for a good semester!

Dr. Mayes,

I learned much more than I anticipated during this course.  You challenged me and that is not the norm, especially for an online course.
Your level of engagement throughout the entire course is far better than anyone online course I have ever had the opportunity to participate in.

DR. Mayes,


I honestly enjoyed and took the most away from the major project. It tied everything together and showed me that I could actually complete a manual/guide that could be used to help in some type of training setting. This course also showed me how to better open myself so that I can receive what is being given during a training session. I never truly noticed all that it takes to hold a training session, I have a new respect for all the work and preparation that the trainer has to go through. While taking this course I began to implement some of the things that we were learning into some of the organization meetings that I am involved with on campus. I now have a better understanding on how I can become a better and more effective trainer so that my audience can get the most out of the session. Thank you for an amazing semester filled with knowledge.

Dr. Mayes

I just thought I would pass along some kind words about you. I made a decision several years ago to take my dream job and forget about finishing the 30 hours I had left in school.  I'm a little more mature now and realize the value of a college education, so last year I decided to come back. I say all of this because you are one of the only instructors that I've had that I actually felt was an "instructor." You are always involved and provided feedback. You make discussions meaningful by taking part in them. You create videos to help us through the course. ....................................... You have been by far, the best instructor/teacher I've had. I have learned from your course because of your FEEDBACK and involvement. I've probably given over a hundred of presentations through the years, so this is not something new to me. When I signed up for this course I was excited to improve my skills and learn new techniques. Your class has exceeded my expectations and I appreciate you as my instructor. This was a great class and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Dr. Mayes

Thank you so much for your guidance through this class. Instructors like you encourage learning, You have been very instrumental in my learning process. Your engagement with your students is personal yet firm. I appreciate instructors that give you the opportunity to set your goals and achieve them. It is amazing that I don't know you, yet I feel as if I do. More instructors ........... could learn a lot from you. Once again thank you for all that you've done. I actually learned a lot of things that I didn't think I was capable of doing.   You chose an excellent career path- It is very fitting!

Dr. Mayes

I wanted to start with a compliment to you Rob! You clever devil! You started this module with the question, “Can everyone be trained as a leader?”. Chapter twelve started with the statement that everyone can be trained as a leader! Nice lead in! Your style of teaching or leadership has been refreshing! I really hope I continue to have you in my classes!

Dr. Mayes

I learned a lot from this semester-long project. Here are the things I liked best about the class:

  • We quickly received grades.
  • The room design project was really cool. I had never used that type of software--so I'm glad to say that I created something in a "new" software program.
  • The flier and poster projects were fun. I had to use some creative skills to complete them.
  • I'm glad you used a variety of teaching methods to keep us engaged (doing research, participating in discussions, writing papers, creating tables, etc.) 
  • I learned about (1) refinishing doors, (2) analyzing audiences, and (3) the training facility for firefighters.

Can't think of anything I didn't like. Thanks again.

Dr. Mayes

Leadership is much more than I originally believed. This class has opened my eyes to the possibility of becoming an effective leader when the opportunity presents itself. I now realize that leadership is not just a trait you are born with. Leadership can be learned and learned over time. I can decide what type of leader I want to be based on traits I already possess and those I can gain from experience

Dr. Mayes

I hope all is well. I am just messaging you to let you know that I really am appreciating your class. I honestly did not know what to expect when I signed up, but with doing the discussions, readings and watching the videos you provide, I feel that I truly am learning a lot. I also wanted to thank you for the feedback you have been adding to the learning modules I have turned in. It is greatly appreciated!

Dr. Mayes

Going through this course I’ve had some amazing opportunities open up to me. At the beginning of this course, I was unemployed, focusing only on my education.  By following these classes in leadership and team work, I improved my understanding of how to communicate well with others as well as other tools that would eventually help me.  I thought this eventually would come sometime in the distant future, however, luck has turned my way.  I’ve recently been hired to be a summer intern at a software company in which I will be a software developer.  These skills I have learned came through in my three hours of interviews as, when I was hired, I was told out right that the high ranking members I spoke with all saw me very clearly as management material.  I can’t even begin to say what opportunities I might have in my career, as this is still so new to me and this will be my first “adult” job, however, with all of this information under my belt I like to imagine I will one day live up to the idea that I’m management material.  Understanding how to communicate with others and form bonds as well as having the ability to make choices and take risks will set me apart from others.  In that way, even if I’m never a manager, I feel like I can truly be a leader.

M-APA.docx   (Style for Online manuscripts)

Learning Management System Competencies

University of North Texas  (Denton, TX)

Leadership, Empowerment & Team Building (Instructor & curriculum designer)

Principles of Training and Development (Instructor & curriculum designer)

Technical Presentation Skills (Instructor)

Leadership Development in Applied Technology and Training (Instructional Designer)

UNT Faculty Link


University of Illinois  (Springfield, IL)

Computer Science Instructor for Client Server-Software Engineering (1995-2004)  

Developed curricula for Visual BASIC, VB.NET, and including Access and SQL Server database design competencies.


Illinois State University  (Normal, IL)

Computer Lab Instructor for Application Software (1993-1995)

Developed curricula for various Industrial Technology courses.


Computer Application Solutions Incorporated

CASI-HTD  Director of Training and Development (Springfield. IL  1995-1999)