Senior Software Engineer/Training and Development/University Instructional Designer and Instructor

Copyright Robin James Mayes. All rights reserved.


Robin James Mayes   Ph.D.

Scholarly Articles

  • The “Triple-P” Domains of Ethical Behavior  for  Higher Education    [Rob Mayes-Winner of the 2013 NICHOLAS & ANNA RICO ETHICS AWARD-University of North Texas]

  • Identifying Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Curricula of Leading U.S. Executive MBA Programs   [Rob Mayes, Pamela Bracy, Mariya Gavrilova-Aguilar & Jeff Allen,  (2015) IGI-Global  pp. 179-193]     Publication Notice:  "I am pleased to inform you that your IGI Global title, Handbook of Research on Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities (, was recently indexed by Elsevier’s acclaimed abstract and citation database..."      Publication Invitation:  "Thank you for your chapter contribution to Handbook of Research on Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities, as the innovative ideas and timely research discussed throughout were truly beneficial contributions to the research community. Based on the relevant and novel themes represented in your chapter, “Identifying Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Curricula of Leading U.S. Executive MBA Programs”, IGI Global would like to invite you to consider leading a full book project as an editor."

  • Balancing Stable Educational Goals with Changing Educational Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities  [Gloria Natividad, Robin Mayes, Jeong-Im Choi & J. Michael Spector.  (2015) e-mentor   1(58) pp. 83-93]

  • Challenges for Educational Technologists in the 21st Century   [Robin Mayes , Gloria Natividad & J. Michael Spector  (2015) Education Sciences 2015]    Reviewer Comments:  "Excellent topic, well written, ready for publication. The focus of the paper is a recap of the literature pertaining to educational technologists and their responsibilities for teaching a new breed of 21st century student. As such, the paper does not present any scientific results -- but that in no way diminishes the quality of the paper or its contributions to the proposed text. The paper will become required reading in my course on Teaching and Technology in Higher Education. It's that well written and supported. Well done."     Publication Invitation:  "I came across your research paper entitled, "Challenges for Educational Technologists in the 21st Century" and feel that your research is having a very good impact.
    With a view to beginning a fruitful, long-term association with you, I invite you to submit your upcoming research articles/papers for publication in the Global Journal of Human Social Science (GJHSS), an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed, research journal."   Publication Invitation:  "I have had an opportunity to read your paper “Challenges for Educational Technologists in the 21st Century”, and can tell from your work that you are an expert in this field.

  • Metaseer.Stem: Towards Automating Meta-Analysis   [Kishore Neppalli, Cornelia Caragea, Robin Mayes, Kim Nimon, Fred Oswald. Accepted at THE TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Phoenix, Arizona, USA February 12–17, 2016]

  •  Literature Overlaps and Gaps between the Fields of Knowledge Management and Humans Resource Development. Mayes, R., Tamez, R., & Allen, J. (2017). In D.G. Alumneh, J. Allen, S. Hawamdeh, Knowledge Discovery and Data Design Innovation (265-281): Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.

Dissertation (2017)

A Content Originality Analysis of HRD Focused Dissertations

and Published Academic Articles using Turnitin

Plagiarism Detection Software

The Problem While plagiarism is a serious affront to publishing ethics; it is a topic that is not clearly defined or easily detectable. Moreover, various stakeholders have different interpretations of the ethical rules that do exist and on those rare occasions in which plagiarism becomes a civil court manner the outcomes are less than predictable. However, a review of the academic literature affirms that plagiarism issues not only occur but potentially devalue otherwise rigorous research published in academic journals.

The Solution This empirical exploratory study quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed content similarity indices (evidence of plagiarism) from a corpus of two representative document samples consisting of 360 dissertations and 360 published articles. The population was defined using the filtering search criteria “human resource development” or “training and development” or “organizational development” or “career development” or “HRD”. This study described the process of collecting content similarity analysis (CSA) metadata using Turnitin software ( and the analysis of the resultant levels of content similarities. A robust descriptive statistical analysis was conducted. A paired t-test was conducted to identify the statistical significance of Turnitin’s evidence of plagiarism false positives. A multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to predict levels of plagiarism.

The Stakeholders This study is of primary interest to professors, scholars, and graduate students who are actively engaged in research and publication in the field of human resource development. However, the techniques and results from this research are important to any discipline interested in publishing ethics, in particular, plagiarism and potential plagiarism prevention strategies.

The Results:  The corpus of dissertations had an adjusted rate of document similarity (potential plagiarism) of M = 6.19% (SD = 4.84%) while the corpus of published articles had an adjusted rate of document similarity (potential plagiarism) of M = 13.09% (SD = 9.68%). Most of the difference was identified as plagiarism-of-self which was absent in the dissertations.  Statistics were conducted that show a statistical significant justification for employing a manual process of adjusting the Turnitin results by removing Type 2 Errors.   This study did not find any variables that predicted measured levels of plagiarism which would lead to any specific prevention strategy. 

Supporting CSV Data files, SPSS Syntax and R Syntax